Jan 5, 2010

Setting Goals

It's a new year and you are back in the gym, but have you set any new goals for yourself?

It's not enough to say something like "I want to lose some weight / get fit", or "I want to get stronger".  To be successful you must be more specific and you must write it down.

Something more like .... "I want to get down to XX % body fat",  "I want to front squat XXX lbs",  "I want to get my first unassisted pull up", or "I want to do XX double unders in a row".

The goal of Crossfit training is to develop "increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains" ... making you more capable of completing the unknowable demands of life!

This is a long term goal with no limit ... you can always improve.  It is accomplished by measuring everything you do in the gym and progressively increasing what you are capable of doing.   It is best accomplished by setting smaller short term goals.  As each of these smaller goals are accomplished, new goals are set.  The result is increased confidence that you can do whatever you put your mind to!

So set yourself some specific short term goals and start working on them!

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