Contrary to what some popular fitness magazines claim, you will not "lose 50 pounds and get a ripped six-pack" in six easy weeks of frolicking on an "Ab-Thing-A-Ma-Jig"! Real progress takes hard work and sound nutritional choices. Fitness is a lifestyle choice and a lifetime pursuit.

Fundamental facts:
- Time: Gaining weight and falling out of shape does not occur overnight. Dropping weight and getting into shape, likewise, is not an overnight activity. Transformation takes time.
- Effort: There is no free ride, lunch, or advice. Results require real effort and are hard-won. Anything worth having must be worked for.
- Commitment: Determination and strength of character is most certainly a requirement to see a goal through to its end.
- Consistency: Success requires consistency of effort and determination. Sporadic and irregular efforts will not yield solid results in an appreciable time frame.
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