May 2, 2013

The Importance of Hydration

Are you drinking enough water?  It is estimated that two thirds of North Americans are mildly or chronically dehydrated.  Our bodies are made up of more than 70% water (the brain consists of 90% water), so lack of hydration can cause a host of health problems.

Proper hydration is also important when training.  Energy levels will drop substantially when you train dehydrated.  You should be drinking water throughout the day, but extra water should be consumed in the hour leading up to your training session.

A very simple indication of dehydration is dark colored urine.  If it is not close to clear, you need to be drinking more!

Concerned about the safety of your drinking water?  Tap water, and even bottled water, may not be the cleanest.  There are many systems available to purify your water.  The system that I use is called the Omega Water Purification System, by a local manufacturing company called CMM.

For more information on the health benefits of water and the dangers of dehydration, read this page.

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