Feb 11, 2013

Positive Results - Part II

Two years ago, I posted the results of my bi-annual physical exam to show the benefits I have experienced from the change in my lifestyle (here).

Today I met with my doctor for my current results and I am very happy to report that, 2 years later, my results were outstanding, once again!

Heart, liver, lungs, prostate, etc all in excellent health.  Blood work was outstanding: white blood cell count and platelet count excellent.  The only surprise was with my cholesterol results.

Last year my total cholesterol was at 3.92, with LDL (bad cholesterol) at 2.55 and HDL (good cholesterol) at 1.1.  My doctor was very happy with these results.  The recommended level for someone my age is to have LDL below 5.0, so I was at half the recommended level.

This year my total cholesterol dropped to 3.6, with LDL dropping to 2.28 and HDL remaining constant at 1.1!

At the age of 52 I have experienced a further decrease in bad cholesterol, despite eating ("unhealthy") saturated fats and avoiding ("healthy") grains ... contrary to what is recommended by most doctors and nutritionists.  The truth is that saturated fats are NOT unhealthy and grains are NOT healthy!

And please ... don't tell me it is because I "exercise" so much.  That's BS.  I train no more than 4 hours per week, on average!  There are plenty of grain eaters out there who "exercise" 10 or more hours a week, with higher (bad) cholesterol levels.

My doctor told me "whatever you are doing, keep doing it!".

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