Oct 26, 2012

Nutritional Supplements

I regularly get asked about the use of nutritional supplements, (like protein powder and fish oil), and have always advocated their use.  There are many things lacking in our modern diet, so taking good quality supplements is an important addition to your nutritional plan to ensure optimal health and wellness, as well as helping you reach specific fitness related goals.

I have posted some articles and links regarding supplements, but I have not taken the time before to outline my own experience with them and the types of supplements that I use regularly and have benefited from.

I must first emphasize that there are many supplement companies in the market, but the majority of them sell inferior products, so one must do their research to ensure they are getting something that will actually do what it is supposed to.  Always remember … you get what you pay for.  Inexpensive brands generally equals poor quality!

Since I began my personal transformation to health and wellness in 2006, the nutritional supplements I have used, and continue to use, include:
(note - titles are links to other information)

Whey protein.  Although I eat plenty of meat, poultry, eggs and fish, it is nearly impossible with my busy schedule to get a good quality serving of protein at times.  Also, with my activity levels it is important for me to get adequate amounts of protein each day to maintain muscle while staying lean.  Whey protein is a good addition to my protein needs as it has the highest levels of Branch Chain Amino Acids similar to that of meat.  It is a complete protein, unlike other forms such as soy.  I typically have a protein shake to start my week days, and also use it when travelling.  A good quality whey protein is especially important as there are many protein powders that are so over-processed, that they actually lack any real nutritional (active) protein, so your body is unable to use it properly.  They just fill you up with empty carbs and sugars.

Fish Oil (Omega 3).   The modern diet is severely lacking in Omega 3 (Fatty Acid) and disproportionately loaded with Omega 6 … a recipe for Metabolic Syndrome!  The benefits of consuming ample amounts of Omega 3 are too numerous to mention here!  Sources of Omega 3 include fatty fish like Salmon, but modern Salmon farms raise sick fish loaded with antibiotics and hormones (just like most cattle farms).  Even wild Salmon can be contaminated with mercury and other environmental pollutants.  Fish oil is one of those supplements that I tell people is a “must have”.  Quality is a big issue here.  Avoid those “Cosco” type brands and spare no expense on this one to obtain the best quality available … from a high quality source and filtered to remove all the pollutants.  You must take adequate amounts to enjoy the full benefits.

Vitamin D3.  The “sunshine vitamin” is another element sorely lacking.  The body uses sun exposure to produce the majority of D3.  There are very few other sources of this vitamin.  Due to the concern of over-exposure to the sun and the fact that most people spend a majority of their time indoors (especially in the winter months),  most people are extremely deficient in this important nutrient.  It is therefore another one of those “must have” supplements that I recommend and take.  This is actually a very inexpensive supplement, but the best source is in a liquid form (gel cap), rather than a capsule form.  It is best absorbed with some fat (in your meal), so I always take it with my fish oil.  Past estimates of daily requirements have been very low, but it is now shown that a minimum of 2000 IU per day is required for optimal health.

Antioxidants.  These are vitamins and minerals most commonly found in fruits and vegetables.  They include Vitamin A, C and E.  Antioxidants are substances that may protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Free radical damage may lead to cancer. Antioxidants interact with and stabilize free radicals and may prevent some of the damage free radicals might otherwise cause.  The problem is that modern farming has depleted the quality of the soil that these products grow in, reducing their nutrient levels.  Also, the use of pesticides and herbicides, not to mention genetic modifications, leave the typical grocery store produce severely lacking.

Adaptogens.  Plant adaptogens are compounds that increase the ability of an organism to adapt to environmental factors and to avoid damage from such factors.  They help fight stress (physical and mental) and increase mental performance and physical working capacity, with no side effects.  There are a number of natural sources.

Probiotics.  Probiotics are organisms that contribute to the health and balance of the intestinal tract and are commonly referred to as the "friendly," "beneficial" or "good" bacteria.  The concept of probiotics is in contrast to antibiotics, which are compounds that suppress or destroy bacteria. Probiotics combat “bad” bacteria and also help maintain the health of the cells that line the gastrointestinal tract.

Zinc and Magnesium.  People who are highly active tend to be deficient in these vital minerals, as rigorous exercise and stress result in significant mineral losses.  Most ordinary types of zinc and magnesium are poorly absorbed and it's very difficult to recover proper amounts without specific supplementation.  A quality supplement can enhance strength, endurance, recovery, and muscle growth.  A rather inexpensive supplement that has a side benefit of providing a deep sleep if taken 30 minutes before going to bed.

These supplements are not a replacement for natural whole foods.  I still eat a well balanced natural diet of meat, vegetables, fruit and healthy fats (nuts, avocados, olive oil).  I avoid sugars, grains and junk foods, only indulging on the rare occasion as a treat.  However, due to the poor availability of high quality natural foods and the resulting lack of required nutrients, high quality supplements are a valuable addition to ensure optimal health, wellness and fitness goals.  I don’t consider it an extravagance or an extra cost.  It is part of my daily nutrition, and I believe I deserve the best to maintain my health and live a long, healthy life!

Don’t you deserve the same?

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