Jan 2, 2009


Is your goal to get serious about exercising and getting fit? Is it losing some weight? Is it increasing your levels of energy and ability to perform in all your activities?

You may be surprised to hear that nutrition is the key! Nutrition is the most important foundation for health, fitness, and weight management. With out a solid nutritional base, you could spend hours working out or running on a treadmill and not lose a single pound or gain the level of fitness you are seeking. You may also be missing the "fuel" that you need to power your activities.

Food is like a drug. It is a very powerful drug that affects us at a hormonal level. Like any other drug, if food is misused it can have serious consequences and side effects. Many of today's health issues such as obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and many forms of cancer are a direct result of poor nutritional choices.

Get on the right track. Learn to make the right nutritional choices so you can live a healthier, longer, and more productive life. Learn how to reach your ideal body weight and enhance your training results.

I recommend reading:
"The Paleo Solution" - by Robb Wolf
"Good Calories, Bad Calories" - by Gary Taubes
"The Paleo Diet" - by Lauren Cordain

These books can change (even save) your life!


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