Feb 23, 2024

Sandbag Hip Bridge

Taking care of the little things that mean so much!  The Ultimate Sandbag training system has a been an excellent tool to add to my toolbox!

Dec 16, 2023

Full Body Warm Up

14 Minute Full Body opener and warm up for any activity.

Try it!  You may find some things that work for you and can add them to your toolbox.

Nov 6, 2023


It was great participating in this 4 hour on-line workshop in DVRT from Ultimate Sandbag.  I've been exploring this method through on line courses over the last couple years.  This workshop with Cory was a great opportunity for some coaching, and I was rewarded with many excellent tips and advice.

Dynamic Variable Resistance Training (DVRT) is a method of connecting and strengthening all facia and facial lines, in all planes of motion.  The basic and important principle applied is that “proximal stability supports distal mobility”.

The opposite applies, meaning lack of proximal stability will reduce distal mobility!   For instance, if the core and lats are weak, the shoulder will not be supported and it’s capacity for dynamic movement will be restricted.  If the feet are weak, the entire chain upwards is affected.  Areas that are supposed to be stable are unstable, while areas that are supposed to be mobile seize up and cause pain.

DVRT can be used for rehab, restoration, practical strength, conditioning, and enhancing overall athletic ability.  The result is a more “bullet proof”, “free flowing”, stable and agile body that applies to all human movement. 

This makes DVRT a very important piece to the overall “fitness puzzle”, which includes Strength, Speed, Power, Mobility, Agility, Balance, and Coordination, as well as proper sleep, nutrition, stress reduction, and recovery from training.

DVRT works for people of all abilities and age.  It can be practiced with limited equipment, anywhere, even in smaller spaces.  It’s worth adding this piece of the puzzle to any training program.  

As a “mover” and a senior with the desire for independence and the ability to enjoy a physically active life, I have a great appreciation for what it has contributed to my current movement capacity, and how it will support graceful aging.

Nov 7, 2022

Heritage Community

After 2.75 years of absence from the Fitness Community, I am excited to return by joining the team at the Heritage Community Fitness Centre!

Looking forward to sharing with this great Community!

Oct 4, 2022

The Importance of Dynamic Movement

The importance of dynamic movement and mobility is based on the Theory of Tensegrity.  This You Tube video from Thomas Myers gives an excellent explanation of what that means. 

Spend less time sitting and doing monostructural activities, and take some time to explore the movement capacity you were born with. Your physical health and quality of life will be much improved!